Friday, May 27, 2011


 wild wild wind.
In this design I quite enjoy how the color is green which can stand for the wild part. This design was made so the tree would go on the front of the shirt, and the giraffe would be going around to the back. I love how the name incorporates wild life and wild wind.
 sea beard.
This design caught my eye by the name; I then looked at it and noticed that the man's beard acted as the sea. I like how it goes from something realistic to something that wouldn't be possible. I like the simplicity.

 mo'deer nature.
This design caught my eye from the "pun". It has Mother Nature in the shape of a deer.

 a happy place.
In this design I love the colors that were used. I also like how it's called "a happy place" and the woman on the elephants back looks like she is at peace.

This design reminds me of juxtapositions, where you would take 2 separate pictures and places them together to make 1.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

The olahchet is most commonly found in boreal forests, high up in the trees. You'll sometimes see olahchets out in the day light but are usually nocturnal. The olahchet is a breed of cat and owl together. Its eating diet consists of mice, grass, insects and a variety of plants. The olahchet is almost extinct, back in the 1900's they were hunted for their unique feathers. The chances of seeing a olahchet is very rare these days, if you manage to see on you're very lucky.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Digital Image

Instructor: Ms. Poirier
School: MBSS

In this piece the line drawing is a character we all know and much love, its thumper from Disney’s classic Bambi. As a child I always would watch Bambi and Thumper was my favorite. In this piece I used brushes I made as well as the brushes in photo shop. I added a bit of text but made it large and see through so you can hardly see it.

Friday, February 25, 2011